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Beba Zanettini - 2017


Pianist, composer and arranger graduated from Institute of Arts - UNESP. He worked with several artists, among them, Alzira Espíndola, Angela Maria, Vanusa, Manolo Otero, Taumaturgo Ferreira, the Mexican Singer Mirza Maldonado, and the Angolan singer Filipi Mukenga. He was part of the group Aquilo del Nisso, nominated for the Sharp prize in 1995 and 1998, as the best instrumental group with the CDs “Chico Buarque Instrumental” and “Festa Brasileira”.

He was also part of the group “Café Jam” that in 1999, through the American record label “Malandro Records”, had launched his first CD on the international market.

He is teacher of popular piano and group practice in FAAM and in the Conservatory Villa Lobos. He has created soundtracks for publicity and theater: Rosalina, Cabaré Uranus, Boris Vian – poems, songs and Art. He has participated in shows and recordings of other musicians and interpreters such as: Letícia Coura, Sergio Molina, Paulo Gusmão de Mendonça, Mona Gadelha, Bia Biagi, Ana Paula Lopes, Dominguinhos, Alzira Espíndola, Bob Cupini, Paulo Oliveira, Daniela De Carli, Eva Jagun, Jaques Morelenbaum, Felipe Ávila, Paulo Costta, Guinga, Iva Bittová, Blubell.

He has been regularly presenting in several nightclubs, events, and cultural projects of São Paulo: “Piratininga Bar”, “A Tal da Pizza”, “Upstairs Bar – Grand Hyatt”, “Virada Cultural”, SESCs. In 2009, he launched his first solo CD, "Beba Música", with his songs interpreted by various singers: Vânia Bastos, Luciana Souza, Ilana Volcov, Cris Aflalo, among others. And with “Aquilo Del Nisso” group, in 2009, He also launched the sixth production of the group, the CD “Piratininga”.  Both productions have been widely commended and divulged by the media.

Beba has been working as music director of various projects: Banda Nova Escola, Banda ZporZ, Piccolo Circo.

In 2015 the singer Eva Jagun recorded and launched two songs of Beba in Germany.

Beba went to to Germany too, in a tour with Eva and the bassist Manuel Zacek in various cities: Berlin, Leipzig, Hildsheim and Peissenberg.

Most recently he performed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, during the ArtFest.

In 2017, Beba is going to release a new album called Canto da Areia, featuring several artists from different parts of the world.

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